So you are used to work with Box2D and know everything about body
types, such as static bodies and dynamic bodies… why nobody talks about
kinematic bodies?
I think kinematic bodies are great to do some tasks, but first let me briefly explain the difference among body types.
A dynamic body is a body which is affected by world forces and react to collisions. And you already met a million of them.
A static body is a body which isn’t affected by world forces it does not react to collisions. It can’t be moved. Fullstop.
A kinematic body is an hybrid body which is not affected by forces and collisions like a static body but can moved with a linear velocity like a dynamic body.
So I made this little, commented script where dynamic spheres fall down at every second in a world full of moving kinematic bodies. The effect is unique and can be used in some games.
I think kinematic bodies are great to do some tasks, but first let me briefly explain the difference among body types.
A dynamic body is a body which is affected by world forces and react to collisions. And you already met a million of them.
A static body is a body which isn’t affected by world forces it does not react to collisions. It can’t be moved. Fullstop.
A kinematic body is an hybrid body which is not affected by forces and collisions like a static body but can moved with a linear velocity like a dynamic body.
So I made this little, commented script where dynamic spheres fall down at every second in a world full of moving kinematic bodies. The effect is unique and can be used in some games.
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Also look how debug draw shows kinematic bodies.Download the source code. |
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